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Things that Happened in 2012

1.  I got a cat.
2. I went to Boston.
3. I went to Vermont.
4. I started working at Hudson.
5. I passed the union test.
6. I learned to take bubble baths.
7. I learned to program arduino.


At some point I read/was told that the one thing all successful leaders do in common is make lists. That the physical act of writing out a TO DO list makes you exponentially more likely to do the things on said list. Today I made a list on construction paper and I taped it to the wall over the mirror. It is my plan for the week. It says:



Mon am - take out the trash
Mon pm - pick up the laundry
bring lunch to work at least 3 times.
in bed by midnight every night.

And now I've written it a whole second time. AND I'm going to add some more general goals for the next 11 months of this year. New Years Resolutions be damned. I was still in lame 2011 headspace that night.

1. Make a weekly plan on Sunday nights. Tape it to the wall. Write it big! ("That would be just what we need, to miss dinner with the mayor...")

2. Go to the gym 5-6 days/week. Sunday is the consistent day off. You get one work week pass day to spend when call times at work go wackadoo. You do not get to use your pass day if you are just sleepy. You do not have to go for a long time. Half an hour of cardio counts. Do more if you feel it. (This is going to be very very hard for a couple of weeks, at least).

3. Buy groceries and cook them. Take out for dinner is only acceptable in extreme cases. Bring lunch to work whenever possible. Initially, 3 days/week. (This feels like kind of a hard one to quantify.)

4. Limit Facebook time. (This is the hardest one to quantify.) Facebook maybe checked at intervals like "when I get up," coffee breaks, "when I get home from work," etc. On days off, it is not to be sitting open on the computer. It has its uses, but it is a pallid, immature timesuck.

These are the new goals! NEW GOALS I tell you. These goals will help me:
A) organize and recognize my own narrative arc, towards fulfillment
B) feel better physically and mentally
C) save money
D) get more done

And now I have written them down.

Nov. 19

Today I am grateful for Heather Berg being awesome and letting me talk and talk.

Nov. 18

Today I am grateful that my dad is feeling better physically, and in better spirits professionally. And that he loves me.

Nov. 17

Today I am grateful that all the protesters and all the police I encountered today behaved with respect for each other.

Nov. 16

Today I was grateful for my new flowers. Mostly I was appreciative of them, but I'm grateful that I can appreciate such a simple thing, and they were kind of an odd find: they were all in a bucket of matching bouquets, but 11 of them are salmony flame colored, and one is white. it is amazingly beautiful. So thank you universe, for giving the grocery store the an odd number of scarlet roses, and putting them right in my path.